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2020 has been a disruptive year. COVID-19 has weighed heavily on global economies and stock markets. The pandemic has ruined the financial independence plans of many. The good thing about the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is that it is not a one-size fits all approach. You don't know if you can reach FIRE until you ...
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In the U.S., renewable [energy] generation beat out coal generation for the first time on a quarterly basis in Q1 2020. That's according to Climate Nexus. The potential upside for clean and renewable energy is expected to grow exponentially.  The world is quickly moving away from a world powered by fossil fuels to one driven by cleaner en...
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Dividend stocks traded on the S&P 500 have provided investors with returns close to twice those of stocks without dividends over the last 93 years. That's according to a piece published on Investopedia. Dividend growth investing allows investors to generate both income and capital gains. Yet, many investors who embark on such a j...
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The coronavirus-induced market bear wreaked havoc on 401k, IRA, brokerage and other investment accounts during the nadir of the pandemic. While some investors fled in droves, others stood their ground outright and fought the bear. Both winners and losers were created. Since equities fell off a cliff in mid March 2020, many sectors have fu...
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The coronavirus-induced market bear wreaked havoc on 401ks, IRAs and other investments accounts worldwide in March. However, some sectors have drastically recovered from their March lows. This recovery has been quicker than most economists and financial pundits had anticipated. Both the S&P 500 (+8.58% YTD) and the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite I...
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Stock picking is tough. Stock investing is riskier, compared to mutual funds. But picking and holding the right stock over the long term can make you wealthy. Here's our top stock pick for the August 31-September 4 trading week. Check out our previous weekly stock picks. Investing in stocks provides arguably the best opportunity to amass ...
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Stock picking is tough. Stock investing is riskier, compared to mutual funds. But picking and holding the right stock over the long term can make you wealthy. Here's our top stock pick for the August 24-28, 2020 trading week. You can check out our previous weekly stock picks. World stock markets have somewhat recovered from their coronavirus p...
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The coronavirus-induced stock market crash has created unprecedented opportunities. Since equities fell off a cliff in mid March 2020, many sectors have fully recovered. In  particular, the information technology sector has been on a tear. Should you invest in tech? YTD, the S&P 500 Information Technology Sector ($SRIT) is up +24.26%....
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Stock picking is tough. Stock investing is riskier, compared to mutual funds. But picking and holding the right stock over the long term can make you rich. Here's our top stock pick for the August 17-21, 2020 trading week. You can check out our previous weekly stock picks. World stock markets have somewhat recovered from their coronavirus pand...
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Stock picking is tough. Stock investing is riskier, compared to mutual funds. But picking and holding the right stock over the long term can make you rich. Here's our top stock pick for the August 10-14, 2020 trading week. You can check out our stock pick for the week of August 3-7. World stock markets have somewhat recovered from their corona...
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Stock Rover: stock screener!

From stock screening and research to full portfolio analysis, we haven't found a more robust screening tool.
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SoFi: Simple investing platform

Investing has never been so easier with SoFi. With a simple app, start investing in stocks, ETFs & Crypto.

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Stock Rover: Stock Screener.

From stock screening and research to full portfolio analysis, we haven't found a more robust screening tool.

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