blog . invest  .

Investors invest in REITs for various reasons, including but not limited to portfolio diversification, guaranteed dividend income, long-term capital appreciation, among others. If you are not familiar with REITs, our article on real estate investment trusts should bring you up to speed. Those who do not want to buy physical real esta...
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In 2019, the S&P 500 index returned nearly 30%! Analysts have cautioned investors that 2020 gains will be anemic, compared to 2019. Despite this warning, investors continue to pursue growth stocks at the expense of dividend or value stocks. As the saying goes, "what goes up must come down." One way&n...
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The 2020 tax filing season is upon us. For those who are expecting a refund check from Uncle Sam, this is a welcoming time of the year. For others who may owe the IRS, this is one of the more stressful time of the year. If you are one of millions of Americans expecting a refund check this year, you can brighten yo...
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Happy New Year 2020! In 2019, almost every investing strategy worked: stocks, bonds, gold. The longest bull market in recent memory lives on! Most, if not all investors, made money in the stock market in 2019. But what if you could make even more money? Here are 5 bold investing moves to help you make even more money in 202...
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Your investment portfolio should include securities from all major asset classes for true diversification, including U.S. large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and international equities, among others. How does the index fund investor pick a winning large-cap strategy? This 5-month investing experiment should provide som...
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To the patient and disciplined investor who stays the course during stock market storms: rejoice! Your pay month has arrived. December is usually considered a major dividend-paying month. Happy dividend-paying month! But what are dividends?

What are dividends? In a previous pos...
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It sucks being broke. There are not many people who would pass up on an opportunity to become wealthy. Sadly, very few people are aware of what it takes to get there. The following are 15 powerful and mind-blowing money habits to help you become super rich. One of them is guaranteed to keep your marital love flame burning! ...
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Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link to an investment product. Both you and us will receive a commission through this link when you join the partner. Too many people put off investing because of one or two things: 1) they think they need a lot of money to start investing; 2) they don't know where to start. Th...
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Retailers are hoping and praying you don't see numbers 8 and 9, but the rich wants you to see number 10.  Retirement planning is a topic that causes a lot of anxiety for many people. According to an article in CNBC, most Americans close to retirement have only 12% of what they will need in retirement. Some believe that ther...
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Acorns is a robo-advisor that makes it easy for anyone to invest and build wealth. In fact, you can start investing with as little as $5. Acorns is a good investing platform for any investor who wants automation, and lacks the investing knowledge to tread the course alone. However, there may be instances where you...
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