blog . invest  .

You don't need to know much or have a lot of money to start investing. You just need a basic understanding of the investing building blocks: stocks and mutual funds (exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds). Investing building blocks Let's keep things simple. Below are three investing building blocks to get you off to a great start. These...
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You don't need a lot of money to start investing. In fact, you can start investing with as little as $5. That's what robo-advisor Acorns wants you to know. For people who may have very limited funds and prefer a hands-off investment approach, Acorns may provide the easiest way to become an investor. But is Acorns worth it? ...
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Wealth inequality continues to plague America. We hear it all the time: the rich keeps getting richer and the poor poorer. According to an article published on the Fortune website, wealth inequality is growing and getting worse in America. Attempts aimed at addressing this sad phenomenon have been proposed and implemented, inclu...
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"Cash is king" is an expression often used in business and investing. While this may be the case in business, it is not true when it comes to saving for retirement. Even legendary investor and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett agrees that cash is a bad investment. Why do people stockpile cash? Fear of losing money With the stock ...
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​Multi-billionaire and legendary investor Warren Buffett continues to encourage people to never bet against America, especially when it comes to investing. One of his greatest advice to investors is to invest in low-cost index funds to grow wealth. Last week, I heeded his advice, bet on America by essentially buying the U.S. eco...
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Although you don't need a lot of money to start investing, knowing some basic investment terms can make investing less complex. We have put together a glossary of some very basic investment terms that any new investor should know about. 

​Basic investment terms Our mission is to empower ...
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People do not invest for various reasons. Some think a lot of money is required. On the other hand, others simply do not understand how money is made in the stock market. In this article, we will introduce you to two powerful engines that propel stock market wealth. These are the same two engines that allow the rich to stay richer. The two eng...
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​Tax filing season is upon us, and you can never avoid it! For some who expect a refund check, this is welcoming news. For others who may owe the IRS, this is one of the more stressful times of the year. If you are one of millions of Americans expecting a refund check this year, this simple use of your refund check will change your l...
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Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link to an investment product. Both you and us will receive a commission through this link when you join the partner. Previously, we introduced you to micro investing where you can start investing with as little as $5. Micro investing is a good option for the passive investor who prefers a hands-off ap...
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In a previous post, we outlined one of the better ways a new investor can invest $50. In this article, let's take it a step further by showing you a few ways you can invest $100. In fact, I will tell you exactly what  investment types I recommend. We will focus on diversification. It is true that $100 is not ...
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Cash is trash, not king. Invest your cash to build wealth.

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Stock Rover: stock screener!

From stock screening and research to full portfolio analysis, we haven't found a more robust screening tool.
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SoFi: Simple investing platform

Investing has never been so easier with SoFi. With a simple app, start investing in stocks, ETFs & Crypto.

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Stock Rover: Stock Screener.

From stock screening and research to full portfolio analysis, we haven't found a more robust screening tool.

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